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Sustainability at Rawlings | Rawlings News

August 26th, 2021

Our Sustainability Initiative

Adopting a more ethical and environmentally friendly lifestyle has become a prominent change for many people. Back in 1850, we originally started by collecting empty glass bottles, washing them, and selling them on to local wine merchants – you can find out more about our history here.

Prior to 2020 and Covid-19 dominating and affecting our daily lives, sustainability was already acknowledged and a driving force amongst many consumers and companies alike. However, according to Positive Planet, 50% of companies believe that COVID-19 has increased the importance of sustainability and 88% of consumers expect brands to help them be more sustainable.

Make Good Things ‘Gooder’

We at Rawlings believe sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. As such, from suppliers to clients, we love to work alongside individuals that demonstrate environmental accountability,

One pioneering client that we continue to work with closely is Rubies in the Rubble, an exciting and innovative company that make discarded and rejected food waste extremely appetising. Their ethos is based on the idea that no fruit or vegetable, no matter it’s size or shape, should go unused or unloved.

Depending on annual yields, between 30-50% of farmers crops never leave their gate. In order to have an even bigger impact, Rubies in the Rubble started building relationships with farmers across the UK and Europe, working with them to make use of their surplus.

At the end of 2020, Rubies set themselves a goal to start a carbon neutral journey, making their ketchup and mayo, you got it – carbon neutral. Not only that, but the companies they work alongside, including us here at Rawlings, are a part of their cycle assessment. This ensures everyone does their part to reduce carbon emissions.  

Their 2020 manifesto introduced ‘Goodism’, an enjoyable and softer way of saying activism, that inspires everyone to value their food. It is the act of taking something good and making it a whole lot ‘gooder’. Take their ketchup, for example, 1/3 of the bottle is filled with surplus pears, reducing refined sugar by 50%.

They also work alongside other manufactures to make sure no food goes to waste. Like their mayonnaise which contains aquafaba, the excess liquid from chickpeas, which they source from hummus manufacturers. 

We are all about the little changes because if everyone makes little changes to their lives and live more sustainably that makes a huge difference.

Let’s get down to the facts. 7.2 million tons of food and drink are thrown away each year, which comes to an average cost of £60 per household of food waste. If we stopped wasting food that could have been eaten, the benefit to the planet would be the equivalent of taking 1 in 4 cars off the road.

These are staggering numbers, almost enough to take your breath away, but these are numbers that can be changed. To date, Rubies in the Rubble have been able to save 351,600kg of fruits and vegetables, 294,500kg of CO2E and 896,436 miles driven. Not only that, but as of 2020 they were officially identified as a B Corp, meaning that they meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact.

We don’t need a few people to do zero waste perfectly we need loads of people to do it imperfectly.

But Why Glass?

It’s no secret that glass is one of the best options when it comes to sustainable packaging. As a sustainable glass packaging specialist, it’s no wonder why Rubies in the Rubble chose us for our Marinade Glass Bottles. Here is why you should choose glass too:

1. It’s better for the planet – using glass hugely reduces landfill waste and saves on energy which would be used whilst recycling plastic.

2. It lasts longer – a glass container is durable and doesn’t break down over time (unless you drop one, of course), which will end up saving you money in the long run.

3. It's safe – plastic contains chemicals that gradually transfer into your food or liquids, even more so when the container is heated. Choosing glass, an inert, non-porous, and natural alternative, means you don’t have to worry about getting a side of BPA with your meal.

4. It tastes better – not only will you get that quality look, but that quality taste as well.

New Office, New Mindset

As a company of sustainable glass packaging specialists, we decided that we wanted to make further positive changes that would benefit our environment. Our biggest change is our new office.

A state-of-the-art building control system regulates the temperature, air quality and automatically controls the windows. Everything is adjustable from a smartphone. 

When a bigger office became essential, there was no other option than to make sure it represented our stance on sustainability. Materials were selected specifically for their Green Guide Rating, local trades were employed throughout the process, and all construction waste was sorted and returned to the source for recycling. We also incorporated solar control, through brise soleil to the south, enhanced “g” value glass to the east, and a framed window to the west, allowing low level winter sun to warm up the space but limit the extent of summer sun. All lights are motion controlled, meaning that no excess electricity is used or wasted.

In creating this new office, another key focus was on the wellbeing of both staff and visitors. Through the preservation of trees to the west of the building, the use of large, glazed areas and the utilisation of timber for the structure, it promoted a strong connection to nature.

To find out more about where we stand with sustainability, get in contact with us via our contact form.

Adopting this mindset is not just for ourselves, but for our planet too. As such, I think we can all agree that we can all do a whole lot ‘gooder’.

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Rawlings & Son (Bristol) Ltd
Unit 3, Crown Road,
Warmley, Bristol,
BS30 8JJ
11, Pontefract Lane,
Company No: 330872
© Rawlings & Son (Bristol) Ltd

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